Privacy Policy

Data Protection and Privacy Policy
Recruitment Game Changers Limited (RGC) is committed to protecting your privacy in all our dealings with you, whether through our website's on-line services or through direct contact with our consultants.  When using our website, we want you to have a safe and secure experience.  We will endeavour to ensure that the information you submit to us remains private and is only used for the purposes set out in this policy.

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
We give you the option of submitting your CV via our website.  You can do this either to apply for a specific advertised job or for general consideration by our recruitment consultants.  Your CV will not be stored on our website; it will be stored on our secure in-house computer network accessible only by RGC consultants. Your CV will be emailed directly to our recruitment consultants who will process your application and enter your details onto our in-house database.  This database, including the information relating to you, can only be accessed by the consultants of RGC.  You have the right at any time to ask us for a copy of the information supplied by you that we hold.  We do not charge you for this service and will respond to your request within 30 days.  If you would like to make a request for information, please contact You also have the right to be forgotten; you can do this by contacting to ask us to stop using or storing your information.

Your CV will be sent to prospective employers, but only where you give your consent. Such employers may be located both inside and outside the UK.

Please note that candidates will be deemed to have accepted and agreed to our terms and conditions when you submit your CV to RGC, either by applying for a specific advertised role or by virtue of your registration on our website. 

The information we collect and how we use it
Your personal details including, but not limited to, your name, email address and any other relevant information as detailed on your CV, is stored on our database.  On occasion, this may also include sensitive information such as details of any criminal convictions or ethnic origin. 

This information is held and disclosed for legitimate business purposes as follows:

  • To assist you in finding new employment by allowing you to submit your CV for general applications, to apply for specifically advertised roles or to subscribe to job alerts
  • To allow us to maintain a legitimate business relationship with you, whether you are a candidate, client or user of our website, allowing us to provide our services to you and answering any queries you may have regarding RGC
  • To periodically keep you informed of our services
  • For compiling salary and other market surveys
  • To fulfil our contractual obligations with our clients
  • To trusted third parties to provide services to either you or our clients as requested, such as employment references, criminal reference checking services or verification of details provided by third parties.  These third parties must comply with the similar undertakings of privacy and GDPR legislation as RGC
  • To trusted third parties who perform functions and services on our behalf, including but not limited to IT consultants who manage our business technology systems.  These third parties comply with the similar undertakings of privacy and GDPR legislation as RGC
  • We may release personal information to regulatory or law enforcement authorities, if required to do so by law
  • We shall aim to hold your personal details on file for a period of 24 months unless otherwise stipulated.  Your data will be deleted after this time unless you request otherwise or have been engaged with during this time.  You also have the right to be forgotten at any time.  You can do this by contacting to ask us to stop using your information

Recruitment Game Changers Limited is a Private Limited Company that is managed by its owners.  There are no outside parties who may exert any influence or control over the running of the business.  Should the ownership of RGC change, you will be notified and the implications for your information explained.  Except in the case of complying with a legal or regulatory requirement, RGC does not and will not disclose your information to third parties without your consent.

Statistical Information
We gather statistical information collectively about all visitors to our website regarding page and service usage.  We only use such data in aggregate form.  This information helps us to improve the services we offer our visitors.

Use of Cookies
A cookie is a small data file that is sent from a web server to a web browser when that browser visits the server's site.  Anonymous cookies which do not hold any personal data are used, with your consent, on the website to enable the functioning of the vacancy basket.  Additionally, we use Google Analytics to analyse how many visitors come to the site and to track how they use it.  We may use other tracking technologies in the future but we will amend this policy to explain their use if we do.

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
The information that you give us, including your CV and email address, is termed "personal data" under the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) of 2018.  We follow the principles set out in that Act when we process your personal data.  All the personal data that we obtain from you is held on our central in-house database.  RGC, is a "data controller" for the purposes of GDPR. 

Please note that clicking on links on our website may result in you transferring to another website, where data privacy practices may differ to those of RGC.  Visitors should review the other websites' privacy policies, as we have no control over what happens to information that is submitted to or collected by these third parties.

Reporting a data breach within RGC
As per the GDPR guidelines, RGC must report a data breach within 72 hours after becoming aware of the breach, unless the breach itself is low risk.  Data breaches may be reported to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) online via or by telephoning 0303 123 1113.  A data breach or leak includes, but is not limited to, theft or loss of personal devices, or data sent to the wrong person.  RGC is not responsible for monitoring and recording data breaches of its customers.  The customer is the data controller and is therefore responsible.

Website Disclaimer
Whilst RGC uses reasonable care in publishing the information found on this website, it is provided purely for information and you should not rely upon it without seeking further guidance and making independent enquiries.  RGC gives no warranty over the completeness, accuracy, currency, adequacy, suitability or functionality of this website, or of the information it contains, nor makes any such warranty in respect of any information carried on any website operated by a third party which may be accessed from this website, nor that the information on this or any third party website has in any way been verified by RGC.

RGC gives no guarantee of the continued existence or availability of any appointment advertised on this site.  By using this website you assume the risk that the information on this website may be incomplete, inaccurate, out of date or may not meet your requirements.

This website was created in England.  Any interpretation of its content, claims or disputes (of whatever nature and not limited to contractual issues) shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts under English law.

Copyright Notice
All information incorporated within this website is the property of RGC.  This website has been created for and on behalf of RGC.  Unauthorised use of the RGC trademarks and all logos is prohibited.

Recruitment Game Changers Limited
Registered in England and Wales
Company number: 12560885
Registered address: Unit 2, Beverley Court, 26 Elmtree Road, Teddington, TW11 8ST