Sales Gamechangers

Conveying your company culture to potential employees via video

September 29th, 2020

In 2020 the pandemic has changed things dramatically for businesses worldwide and recruiting key people is now very different from a year ago.

Despite the unfortunate numbers of excellent employees that have been made redundant, the recruitment process continues. New and different roles have been created to cope with the “new normal” and recruiting this new workforce is just as challenging as ever.

Interviewing candidates via Zoom (other video methods are available), is clearly different to the in-person, face-to-face interaction we’ve all worked with previously.

It’s not easy to convey and create your company culture via video and without a bricks and mortar visit; but with that option off the table for many businesses, it’s important to develop new ways to communicate that important message to a prospective employee.

Your company website is your window to the world and so is your LinkedIn company page and profile. It is critical now that these are as vibrant, positive, and relevant as possible.

People respond well to seeing and hearing stories, not just about the business, its products, and services, but about the personnel who are influencers in the company. A typical working day outlined in a slide deck or in video is a great way of conveying culture. It’s good to let candidates explore your business preferably by looking at and listening to your current people outlining why they joined, how they’ve progressed and what they enjoy about working there.

As a recruitment business owner, I believe your recruitment partner also has an extremely important role to play. Many recruiters operate in a niche market and have acquired great knowledge and experience of the sector they represent. It’s likely that a recruiter will also be virtually meeting a prospective candidate before submitting them to you and can relate the successful journey of an individual they have previously recruited for your business.

As recruiters, we are not just here to source outstanding talent, many of whom are passive in the recruitment marketplace, but also to act as an extension of your marketing collateral when it comes to extolling the virtues of working for you.

A true recruitment partner will totally understand your business and your ethos, these days, more than ever, the cultural fit is so important.


Doug Woodward